Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Okay. You know what? Here's how it's gonna be.

I don't care if you people are tired of my "drama."
Don't read about it if you don't want a part of it.
But as of right now, I will NOT be your bitching post. I flatly refuse to be the one person who has to carry around everybody elses' problems, and never get any help with my own. If you don't wanna here about me, fine, I won't tell you. But don't you dare come to me for anything.
I live for myself.
I do what I want, based on what I think is right. I don't care if you don't agree with me. You can go right ahead and disagree. That's not going to change what I do.
You can call me a bitch. You'd be right. But I'd rather be a bitch than be the universal bitching post. At least I can think for myself.
Which is more than can be said for 99% of you people.

There. Rant over. Have a nice day.